Reference: HB12EN

Language: English
Number of Players: 2-4
Age: 10
Duration: 20
1. 老少咸宜的家庭游戏
2. 可支持12位玩家同时游玩的派对游戏
3. 培养团队默契,增强知识性
Everything can be labeled, categorized, sorted by topics, or given a tag. Cities can be big or small, movies can be funny or boring, people can be geeks or politicians…but how good are YOU at tagging the world? In TAGS, you have only 15 seconds to come up with at least one fitting answer. Withstand the time pressure, collect the most marbles, and become the winner of this quick and zany game for 2 to 4 players, which can also be played in teams with 4-12 players.