Reference: JO01CNTS

Language: Chinese Simplified & Traditional
Number of Players: 3-7
Age: 8
Duration: 20
1. 欢乐的聚会游戏
2. 丰富的游戏配件
3. 简单有趣的玩法
4. 适合派对的猜词游戏
5. 培养团队精神及默契
Just One is a cooperative party game.You all play together to get the best score! Together, make one of the players – the active player – guess a Mystery word by secretly writing a clue on your easel. Choose your clue without coordinating with each other and be original so as not to write the same clue as another player, as all identical clues will be canceled before the active player gets to see them.

At the end of the game, tally your score based on the number of Mystery words found.