Reference: LSB1103021

Language: Chinese Simplified
Number of Players: 1+
Age: 8
Duration: 10
MORPHY (战略飞碟)
Do you have the insight to morph the most and win?

Your goal is to find the longest string of changes. Start with the ball on one peg over one disc. Then, find another disc that's different by only one attribute - Color, pattern, or center circle size.

Start with a GREEN disc with STRIPES and a LARGE center circle. Move to an ORANGE disc with STRIPES and a LARGE center circle - or a GREEN disc with DOTS and a LARGE center circle - or a GREEN disc with STRIPES and a SMALL center circle...

Now - Can you find another? And another? And another?? - Whoever connects and collects the most discs wins the game!

Put your pattern recognition skills to the ultimate test with the unique and challenging game of Morphy.